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News & Events

Kalkaringi School has been a Preschool to Year 12 School since 2003, providing a comprehensive curriculum for students from both the Kalkarindji and Daguragu communities.

Our students come from a diverse cultural and linguistic background. Most of the students are Gurindji but we also have Warlpiri, Mudburra and other Indigenous and non-Indigenous families as part of our community.

The school population is about 190 from Preschool to Year 12. The school also has a playgroup run through the Families as First Teachers Program, catering for 0 to 3 year old children and their carers.

Our school priority for 2020 is to increase the number of students attending 80% or more. Literacy and numeracy development is of major importance at Kalkaringi School.

School Camps

School camps are an exciting and educational opportunity for students to learn outside of the classroom.

Our camps are organised by classroom teachers and take place at various locations within the territory. Students have the opportunity to explore new environments, engage in team-building activities, and learn new skills.

Participating in a school camp is an unforgettable experience that helps our young people develop independence, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for the world around them.

Click here to watch our camp videos

Term 3, 2023- Newsletters

Term 4, 2023- Newsletters

Social Media

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